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Valentine's Flowers

Stunning Valentine's Day flower bouquets, hand-crafted by local artisan florists in Ireland. Show your special someone just how special they are. Our luxurious long-stemmed and large-headed 12 Red Roses are sure to impress!


When words aren’t quite enough, let a gorgeous bouquet do the talking. And when we say gorgeous, we really mean it. You won’t find these blooms on a production line or languishing in a depot, because every single bouquet is hand-crafted so it’s one-of-a-kind.

Our artisan florists hand select the freshest, highest quality blooms, considering the symbolism of each, so every bouquet is bursting with beauty and meaning. Choose straight up classic roses, a mixed bouquet featuring roses plus vibrant seasonal stems or a rose-free arrangement perfect for showing your love to friends and family.

And remember when it comes to red roses, only the finest will feature: long-stemmed and large-headed beauties that are the epitome of romance.


Our florists hand-deliver every bouquet, so your Valentine’s flowers will get the best care all the way to the doorstep (no courier or post hold ups here).

If your love just can’t wait, don’t worry. Order by 1pm to get your blooms delivered on the same day. We also have next-day delivery options, so your Valentine’s flowers will get there on time, even if you can’t.

This year give Valentine’s Day that bit of extra sparkle by adding a gift with your flowers. We have a range of gorgeous Valentine’s Day gifts for him and her - think heavenly hampers, bottles of bubbly, and chocolates to-die-for.

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